Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.

Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.
This is a product of health,happiness & wholeness: Beautiful smile!

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.
This is a product of health, happiness, and wholeness. Check out her pose!

Remembering the wisdom of the past and updating it.

When we deny one aspect of life, sooner or later we notice the price, personally and culturally, of our blindness. The Eastern cultures have exclusively mastered the inner life, but this has been accompanied by material poverty. We in the West have exclusively mastered the outer life but ended up with spiritual poverty. In both instances, achievements in one direction led to suffering in the other. That is why the East is now witnessing a rise in materialism, and the West is now experiencing a rising interest in the mind and spirit. In each case the forgotten half of the human experience eventually reasserts itself as our life force continue to seek a balance of inner and outer that alone can lead to sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
We do not need to invent something new; we merely need to remember the wisdom of the past and update it for our time.

Dascher S, Elliot. Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. (pp. 25, 31). CA:Basic Health Publication, 2006

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mindful Meditation

The practices for the week brought more serenity to my life. I was calmer at handling situations because I have been able to observe instead of reacting. Meditation causes me to look at life differently. It is a great experience getting to know my guide, inner healer, and gift giver. I feel extremely healthy and happy in my body, mind, and spirit. I felt great knowing that the wise person, my subtle mind, was already a part of me. Knowing that my inner guidance is always there to guide me and support me into integral health is a wonderful feeling. To know you have a guide and support make you feel stronger and better able to practice in the world.

Mindfulness has encouraged the development of my psychological and spiritual wellness by causing me to see life as a place where I am needed to give hope and healing first to myself, and then to those in my pathway. It makes me feel and know that I am a faucet giving water first to myself and then to others. I feel as if I have the special tools to give to the world to ease unnecessary suffering. I actually feel as if I have evolved. I know that my knowledge can help others toward integral health. I introduced the meditation practice to the school and the secretary angrily said that the kids are the ones who need to do it. I told her it would be more of a benefit if administration participated too because everyone heals the other. She disregarded the information. My son told me not to say anything to her because she is only there to receive a check. He said she is not interested in the kids. He told me to breathe in long breaths and exhale long breaths. He was right. I observed the situation and left it alone for that moment. It is everyone’s choice to want to heal themselves and their world. I will continue to offer the mindful meditation practice to the school board and the community. I have already contacted a psychologist who promotes mindful meditation in school to request his help in distributing the information.
By scheduling a set time each day, I can continue to make use of these practices in my life to promote greater health and wellness.

I grew up in a Christian household. My father taught us about the blind leading the blind and that people perish because they lack knowledge. I see the statement “One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself” to have similarity. If Providers of health care must become educated in the integral health model and their knowledge will bring about awareness to the patients they provide care for. I got injured and could not walk. The doctor told me I would have to live with the pain for the rest of my life. Today I walk, and I am pain free as long as I stay focused in being pain free. I was upset with the doctor because it was a blind attitude; he was leading where he himself had not gone. I remember my dad listening and doing everything his doctors said even though he taught us differently. He died young and in a lot of pain. His health care providers in my opinion had some knowledge of health care, but had never experiences the illness he was suffering with. They needed the ability to see the divine in him and as though he was the Christ or the Buddha himself and transforms the suffering of illness into the grace of healing.
I have a responsibility to my clients to be developing my health psychologically, physically, and spiritually. I have implemented psychological and spiritual growth in my personal life, and I am working on my own spiritual evolution, to experience what the integral health model represents. As I aim towards a healthier and happier personal life, I extend my ambition toward all humankind. Tonight I am at work and I made a phone call to check on my neighbor that was having chest pain today. It is 1:30 a.m. in the morning. He thanked me again and I again told him that it is a privilege to be of service. I was able to practice in the world. I take healing very seriously and I do not like to see unnecessary suffering. If I do not experience what the model represents, then I would be one who cannot lead another where I have not been.


  1. What a wonderful post! I always enjoy reading your journals, they are so inspiring and very encouraging. I can relate to the statement the blind can't lead the blind. My mother always spoke about that. It is so amazing thinking back to those days when we first heard these sayings and now we are putting them into action. We share our experiences with each other every week which allow for us to learn from one another.I have processed a lot from this course. My way of thinking is different and my mind feel free of unwanted thoughts. Thank you so much for giving us something to look forward to...your readings are the best!!

  2. So many times we come across people who are in professions where they should never be - the nurse who treats her patients with disdain rather than respect or the doctor who talks down to everyone as if they were three years old. I'm so sorry that your father ran into that. As a nurse, I believe that I've been given a great responsibility to teach my patients about what's going on... and to comfort them... to help them relieve their pain and suffering, either by sitting down and listening to them or by being a presence or by leading them through a meditation, a prayer or even giving them a pain shot or pill. As a nurse, each person that I went into see I prayed for and most frequently prayed with. I might not have known what their particular disease was - that was a physical and biological issue... but I did know that one of the most important aspects to nursing was and IS being a presence to people - and being the instrument through which healing can occur.

    Thank you for sharing.
