Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.

Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.
This is a product of health,happiness & wholeness: Beautiful smile!

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.
This is a product of health, happiness, and wholeness. Check out her pose!

Remembering the wisdom of the past and updating it.

When we deny one aspect of life, sooner or later we notice the price, personally and culturally, of our blindness. The Eastern cultures have exclusively mastered the inner life, but this has been accompanied by material poverty. We in the West have exclusively mastered the outer life but ended up with spiritual poverty. In both instances, achievements in one direction led to suffering in the other. That is why the East is now witnessing a rise in materialism, and the West is now experiencing a rising interest in the mind and spirit. In each case the forgotten half of the human experience eventually reasserts itself as our life force continue to seek a balance of inner and outer that alone can lead to sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
We do not need to invent something new; we merely need to remember the wisdom of the past and update it for our time.

Dascher S, Elliot. Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. (pp. 25, 31). CA:Basic Health Publication, 2006

Monday, January 18, 2010

Exercise: Loving Kindness and the Integral assessment

I CHOOSE TO GROW: My personal assessment must be modified from time to time to accomodate the changing character of my life.

Describe the exercise and assessment process. What did you discover about yourself? What area have you chosen to be a focus of growth and development? Why? What are some specific exercises or activities that you can implement to foster greater wellness in this area?

The exercise of universal loving kindness was very clarifying as far as pointing out that at first glance it may appear that what was discussed applies only to intimate romantic relationships. But it is not so. I definitely understand that as a part of my journey because I approach people with empathetic listening, open heartedness, sensitivity, generosity, and emotional intimacy. At times it is taken as “I want to get with you.” This is when I realize it is an opportunity share integral health and wellness, the experience of higher consciousness, and the sense of oneness with others. To see another, acknowledge another, hear another, be present with another, and feel one with another --- a lover, a partner, a friend, a stranger, and I am working on an enemy (I do not feel I have any, but we never know), is a profound healing gift for oneself and the world. I have always extended these capacities beyond my close group of loved ones to all humankind. I love to embrace people (Dacher, p93).

I do believe that I am learning and growing daily. The integral assessment process is to alleviate needless suffering and to promote human flourishing. This allows me to look at my current situation and identify the areas of my life that need attention, determine the specific changes I wish to address, and establish a program of integral practice that will promote the changes. I always look for unhealthy sources of suffering and potential sources of flourishing. The integral assessment is a tool that I can use to transform my health and life from conventional to integral, from ordinary to precious. I am definitely working on developing a deep listening and guidance. I must attain an open, clear, and unbiased state of mind which is the most effective way have an accurate and precise assessment of my health and life (Dacher, pp.105- 106).
As a health and wellness professional I cannot give what I do not have. It is necessary for me to take an inventory of my life in areas where I do extremely well, and in other areas where I need development. My psychospiritual development is an important factor in integral health and in assisting others in health and wellness.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely stated!

    It sounds like you are continuing the contemplative practice exercises and you have a very positive attitude about reaping the benefits of it! Pscychospiritual development is something I am working on as well and I hope it helps you progress. I've incorporated Yoga into my weekly practice and it has helped me to focus a lot more in the loving kindness exercises. I recited the universal loving kindness exercise outside following a Yoga session. It helped me to relax and it was easy to clear my mind immersed in nature rather than practicing indoors. I wish you well and hope that you continue to think positive in your journey towards integral health.
