Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.

Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.
This is a product of health,happiness & wholeness: Beautiful smile!

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.
This is a product of health, happiness, and wholeness. Check out her pose!

Remembering the wisdom of the past and updating it.

When we deny one aspect of life, sooner or later we notice the price, personally and culturally, of our blindness. The Eastern cultures have exclusively mastered the inner life, but this has been accompanied by material poverty. We in the West have exclusively mastered the outer life but ended up with spiritual poverty. In both instances, achievements in one direction led to suffering in the other. That is why the East is now witnessing a rise in materialism, and the West is now experiencing a rising interest in the mind and spirit. In each case the forgotten half of the human experience eventually reasserts itself as our life force continue to seek a balance of inner and outer that alone can lead to sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
We do not need to invent something new; we merely need to remember the wisdom of the past and update it for our time.

Dascher S, Elliot. Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. (pp. 25, 31). CA:Basic Health Publication, 2006

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The loving kindness exercise was very rewarding. I sent blessings in the area of loving kindness and an increasing concern and compassion for the well being of all the inhabitant of the earth. This is my encouragement to use relaxation exercises to find their calm mind.2. What is the concept of “Mental Workout? What does the research indicate are the proven benefits of a Mental Work Out? How can you implement mental workouts to foster your psychological health?
The concept of Mental Workout implies the same process that you use to exercise and work out your muscles, can be used to work out specific areas of the brain and it can result in structural change.
Research studies indicate that mental training can transform the mind by reducing disturbing emotions that cause anger, hatred, fear, worry, confusion, and doubt while enhancing positive emotions such as patience, loving kindness, openness, acceptance, and happiness. The mental transformation, acting through mind/body connection, provides enhanced resistance to mental distress and physical disease expands our healing capacities and promotes well being.
I can implement mental workouts to foster my psychological health by applying contemplative practice in my life daily to gain access to the deeper levels of my mind. This will tame the mind’s ceaseless activities that obscure higher states of awareness. Through mental training I will gain access to the more subtle levels of the mind. My fully developed mind cultivates the qualities of human flourishing which are health, happiness, and wholeness. As I continue to develop there will come a time when I will no longer have to cultivate the attitude through practice, loving-kindness will reveal itself as a a natural and effortless practice.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, sorry for my "Tardy" response. As a nurse, our profession has know for a long time that patients feel better, have less pain, lower blood pressures, and better appetites when they go home. Why? How can you relax when the staff wakes you up every 2 hrs for vital sign check or meds or procedures? There is no rest in the hospital. The diet is medical ordered, usually missing the seasonings we so love. The beds are hard. In conclusion, they are mentally at ease and relay that to their bodies positively and do better at home. The nursing profession has yet to label the occurence a result of a mental training or execution condition.
    Respectfully, Steve Tardy
