Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.

Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.
This is a product of health,happiness & wholeness: Beautiful smile!

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.
This is a product of health, happiness, and wholeness. Check out her pose!

Remembering the wisdom of the past and updating it.

When we deny one aspect of life, sooner or later we notice the price, personally and culturally, of our blindness. The Eastern cultures have exclusively mastered the inner life, but this has been accompanied by material poverty. We in the West have exclusively mastered the outer life but ended up with spiritual poverty. In both instances, achievements in one direction led to suffering in the other. That is why the East is now witnessing a rise in materialism, and the West is now experiencing a rising interest in the mind and spirit. In each case the forgotten half of the human experience eventually reasserts itself as our life force continue to seek a balance of inner and outer that alone can lead to sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
We do not need to invent something new; we merely need to remember the wisdom of the past and update it for our time.

Dascher S, Elliot. Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. (pp. 25, 31). CA:Basic Health Publication, 2006

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Personal Assessment: Physical, Psychological, & Spiritual Health & Wellness.

This rose is for all of my unity conscious and extremely loving and kind classmates and Professor. Remember to take moments in life to smell the roses. You deserve the break.

Thanks for sharing this journey with me.

Review your unit 3 personal assessment of your psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. Reflect on these areas. How did you score yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 in unit 3? How do you score yourself now? Has the score changed? Why or why not?

1. My physical personal assessment in unit 3 was 91/2. I now score myself at a 9. There was
a decrease because more emphasis was on my psychological and spiritual aspect.

2. My spiritual and psychological personal assessment increased from 9 to 91/2 due to the fact that I took a class on Creating Wellness-The psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing. During the class, I focused on the body, mind, and spirit as a whole. My intention was to increase the development of my psychological (inner) and my spiritual (innermost) aspects, not the body (outer).

Review the goals and activities you set for yourself in each area. Have you made progress toward the goals? Explain.

1. My physical goals were to maintain physical fitness by walking two times a week. I have progressed toward this goal.

2. My spiritual goal was to meditate on a regular basis and create an area for relaxation in my home. I have progressed in this area.

3. My psychological goal was to read uplifting book and listen to uplifting music through the day. I have made progress in this area.

Have you implemented the activities you chose for your well-being in each of the three areas? Explain.

1. My physical activities that I chose for my well being has not been implemented by walking, but I have implemented other types of physical activities to supplement. As I walk through life I feel that I am on a mission to spread positive vibes. I exercise on an as needed basis; however, I do believe that it is necessary to use my mind and spirit to complement my body. I think a certain weight limit and my body adapts to that. I do not live to eat I eat to live. I detoxify to get rid of toxicity and stretch and always maintain a good posture. I am balanced.

2. My spiritual goal has been implemented. I do meditate on a regular basis and it is so awesome. I also have a special area in my home for meditation. I believe in prayer. This is my connection to the Higher Power. I believe that I was created to be a positive change on earth. I always feel relaxed, elated, and in tune with what I called the spiritual forces of the universe. It is the feeling and knowing that this class is a part of my spiritual journey.

3. My psychological goals have been implemented. I read inspiring books and listen to music that keeps me focused on being positive, powerful, and highly effective in this life. I practice what is necessary to rise above life adversities, and I surround myself with positive people.

Summarize your personal experience throughout this course. Have you developed improved well-being? What has been rewarding? What has been difficult? How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?

My experience in this class is extraordinarily enormous. I have developed and improved my well being by implementing contemplative practices in my personal life to foster mental fitness. I do not see anthing taught as being difficult. My mind is being transformed as disturbing emotions that cause anger, hatred; fear, worry confusion, and doubt are reduced. At the same time, positive emotions such as patience, loving-kindness, openness, acceptance, and happiness, are enhanced.

This experience has reminded me that: It does not matter what adversities we go through in life, what matters it is how we handle the adversities. I can respond to stressful situations and use them to help me succeed.
I feel healthy, full of life, and increasingly connected to all life as I finally gain access to my inner healing sources of help, which are loving kindness of an open heart and the wisdom of an open mind. These sources will take me toward sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
I realize even more how important it is to have the knowledge of contemplative practices. My mindfulness practices keep me in my present moment. I now know how to tame my mind to negative circumstances. I am now aware and can delete any unconstructive way of thinking, and bring it to tranquility, and that is very rewarding.

How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?
This experience will help me improve my ability to assist others by transforming any task into a voluntary act of service rather than an obligation. I will no longer feel as if it is something I have I choose to do because I am called to serve. I can now consciously make decisions to embrace situation that are thrust upon me and use them to learn and to grow.
As I progress in my development, the world becomes a place for inspired appearance. I continue to give, not take. I know that what I give to the world comes back to me as a renewed and revitalized sense of health, happiness, and wholeness. I will continue to contribute by expressing an increased appreciation for others, acting with loving kindness and bringing care and compassion into daily life.
I am experiencing how to be a basic and necessary component of a healthy human being. My clients will see me as an example of happiness and wellness, and they will want happiness and wellness. I will give it because I will have it. Anything I do in life must be mirrored in my own life for it to take a full effect on those who are observing us. Life is a domino effect. It is do as I do.

Now, I can step back and observe my mind and its thoughts, feelings, and images rather than automatically reacting to them. I engage in positive, powerful, and highly effective communication that is beneficial for others, and my health and well being.

I have sustained quietness and access the therapeutic resources of my mind which are loving kindness of an open heart and the wisdom of an open mind. Peace, tranquility, and loving kindness deepens my interactions, and I have a calm and steady temperament in how I react to others, rather than being excitable or given to apparent irrational behaviors.

I can take the enchanting power of my wisdom, as an inner alternative to keep our mind, heart, and spirit in the excellence of my work and life. I can give spiritual significance to the whole procedure and transform a forceful request into enormous resources. I have the ability to look at tasks and put my whole heart into it, instead of complaining about it while I complete it. I do not prosper because the world is perfect; I prosper because I bring loveliness and courage to it. I am taking what may seem uninteresting, possessing it as my own, and transform it into an act of service, artistic ability, and holiness. I am learning to live my work with great honesty and spirit as I move toward the awareness and inner truth from which my genuine calling will naturally take place in its own time. My visualization of the human capabilities from the beginning, is that they have goodness and wisdom, warmth and intelligence and can be additional developed in their daily life, so that it radiates out to their family, friends, community and society.

I know that the influence of the environment is connected in the development of the brain, the personality, and the mental maturing of children and youth, so therefore, I will continue to expose contemplative practices and how it can enrich child and adolescent development. I will propose the necessity it’s for the goals of education and the social-emotional and awareness skills that young people need to be successful not only in school, but in life, society, and as contributing citizens of the world.

The programs for young people will in some way nurture them in the adults who will model in a child’s life and development, as parents and extended family members, child-care and early education professionals, nurses and doctors, teachers and school leaders.

We are the adults now, they are our future adults. We can do it!

Dacher, E. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! It has truly been a journey hasn't it? :) I've always believed that a person's inner most journey is a very private experience - and to become a part of that experience as we have this term has truly been a great honor.

    Again, thank you for allowing us to a part of that journey and experience! May God continue to bless you as you continue this journey on this road that we call "life."
