Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.

Janelle my princess is growing up! She is very loving and kindhearted.
This is a product of health,happiness & wholeness: Beautiful smile!

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.

Janiah is growing up! I will be seeing her for the first time on her third birthday.
This is a product of health, happiness, and wholeness. Check out her pose!

Remembering the wisdom of the past and updating it.

When we deny one aspect of life, sooner or later we notice the price, personally and culturally, of our blindness. The Eastern cultures have exclusively mastered the inner life, but this has been accompanied by material poverty. We in the West have exclusively mastered the outer life but ended up with spiritual poverty. In both instances, achievements in one direction led to suffering in the other. That is why the East is now witnessing a rise in materialism, and the West is now experiencing a rising interest in the mind and spirit. In each case the forgotten half of the human experience eventually reasserts itself as our life force continue to seek a balance of inner and outer that alone can lead to sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
We do not need to invent something new; we merely need to remember the wisdom of the past and update it for our time.

Dascher S, Elliot. Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. (pp. 25, 31). CA:Basic Health Publication, 2006

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Creating Wellness- Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing: COME WITH ME ON MY JOURNEY


A MOMENT FOR REFLECTION: Reflection: A reflection is an idea or careful thought produced by careful consideration. It is a clear liking or end result of something.

Today, I introduce to you the end result of HW420 Creating Wellness-Psychological & Spiritual Aspects of Healing. Follow me on my journey, my journey of physical, psychological, and spiritual health and wellness.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! My people perish for a lack of Knowledge. We do not have to perish anymore.

I Introduction:

Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself?

For professionals in the health and wellness field, it is most vital and of the greatest significance, to incorporate integral health practices into their own lives, to help establish the outcome of health and wellness. Once they include the integral health practices, they experience how to be a basic and necessary component of a healthy human being, psychologically, spiritually and physically. They can only develop and evolve potential that is already within them, therefore, they cannot give what they do not possess. When clients see them as an example of happiness and wellness, they will want happiness and wellness. They too must be what they want the world to become. The wisdom and loving-kindness they gain from their personal development affects both their interpersonal relationships, and worldly experiences.
Anything we do in life must be mirrored in our own lives for it to take a full effect on those who are observing us. When we are completely engaged in the healing process, we are informed and can more effectively help clients. Not being developed in those areas can hurt the clients. The saying “What goes around, comes around,” is true. Life is a domino effect. All of us are suppose to be on earth to make a positive difference. It should not be do as I say, but do as I do. We cannot lead others where we have not been, or it would be the blind leading the blind.

As a health and wellness professional, I must consider the importance in my development physically, psychologically, and spiritually, by attaining knowledge in integral health to alleviate unnecessary suffering. It is necessary that I first begin with my inner self, that I may expand my awareness. I will continue my education in health and wellness, for this is the area I need to develop in order to be highly effective, and achieve the goals I have for myself.

II Assessment:<
How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically?

I inspect my health in each area carefully, in order to judge its qualities and appropriateness, by paying special attention to needless suffering. I had mental suffering that was caused by grief, anxiety, and unhappiness, and I looked for resources of promising enhancement.
I look within to reflect on my own purpose and meaning to bring about a transformation in these areas. My health inspection helped me learn to observe and be proactive, not reactive. I now know how to alleviate needless suffering by learning when to let things go, and when to change the arrangement.

Spiritual wellbeing- I rate myself at a 9. I believe in prayer. This is my connection to the Higher Power, the Ultimate. I believe that I was created to be a positive change on earth. I always feel relaxed and elated. I pray within myself and stay grounded. Sometimes I feel so light, so relaxed, that is when I know that I am in tuned with what I called the spiritual forces of the universe. It is the feeling and knowing that this class is a part of my spiritual journey.

Physical wellbeing- I rate myself at a 91/2. All of my life I believed in the body, mind, and spirit as a whole. I always feel connected to a higher power. As I walk through life I feel that I am on a mission to spread positive vibes. I exercise on an as needed basis; however, I do believe that it is necessary to use my mind and spirit to complement my body. I think a certain weight limit and my body adapts to that. I do not live to eat, I eat to live. I detoxify my body to get rid of toxicity. I stretch and always maintain a good posture. I am balanced.

Psychological wellbeing- I rate myself at a 9. I am learning to discard behaviors and attitudes that affect me and replace them with loving kindness. I read and listen to music that keeps me focused on being positive, powerful, and highly effective in this life. I practice what is necessary to rise above life adversities.

III Goal development:
List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual.

Physical- I want to maintain my body, in a profound, and physically powerful, condition, and be free of disease. I can do this by learning to inspect my daily activities and the environment in which I partake of, and remove unnecessary noise and disorder. I must eat healthy and exercise regularly, so I can achieve the most priceless wellness physically.

Spiritual- I want to show great refinement and concern with the higher things in life, rest in my innate state of tranquility and simplicity, and not affected by the difficulties of life. I can achieve this goal through contemplative practices, and then I can obtain optimal wellness in my spirit.

Psychological (mental health) - I want to maintain a happy and peaceful mentality. I want o transform my mind by deleting disturbing emotions that cause anger, hatred, fear, worry, confusion, and doubt. At the same time I want to enhance positive emotions such as patience, loving kindness, openness, acceptance, and happiness. By learning what is necessary to develop my life, I can discard what is negative and replace it with loving kindness, so I can acquire ultimate wellness in my mind.

IV Practices for personal health:

What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices in each domain. Explain how you will implement each example.

Physical wellness:
Dancing/Exercise- I will use a CD called Turbo Jam that I bought to dance/exercise at least 20 minutes a day, three days a week before I begin my daily routines.

Stretching/Breathing- I will use a quiet area on my porch that overlook the beach, and do relaxation movements that stretches and tones my body, while I inhale and exhale deep breaths. I will implement this practice three to four times a week before I begin any of my daily routines.

Psychological Wellness-
Developing my psychological wellness- I will be furthering my education in health and wellness. I will continue to gain information in physical, psychological, and spiritual awareness. I have implemented this by taking classes online and to graduate in 1 ½ years with a degree.

Music therapy- I will listen to positive music that develops and relaxes my psychological well being throughout my day. During the day I listen to soft relaxation music that promotes relaxation and awareness of happiness and wellness.

Spiritual wellness:

Creative visualization- I will meditate using creative meditation at least three times a week for 20 minutes before I begin my daily routines. This will be early in the morning when it is quiet. I will implement this by finding a comfortable seat in a quiet area of my home. I will close my eyes, and bring to mind one of my happiest moments, and allow it to permeate my awareness. As it unfolds, I will allow it to enter my whole being. I will permit the feeling to intensify as a waterfall that gently cascades my body, mind, and spirit. As my being become relaxed, and light, I will pause and take time to sense the connection and harmony.

I will reflect these qualities, throughout, and I will think about what it feels like. When I feel complete, I will slowly return to the time and place of the room.

Mindful Meditation- Mindful reflection means staying in my present moment by taming my mind to negative circumstances. I will focus my attention on sound, my breath, movement, and various other parts of my daily experience. I am aware of my thoughts and feelings which helps me understand my emotions and emotional reactions, allows me more control and the ability to make choices in how I respond to difficulties, rather than habitually reacting.

For a few moments each day, I will stop, find a quiet area, and look inward. In this way I will continuously train my mind to stay in its present moment. When finished, I will slowly return to the time and space of the quiet area, giving myself a few moments to consider what I have learned.

V Commitment:

How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategy can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?

I will evaluate my development or lack of development in the next six month by using a line of development chart and review it on a bi-weekly basis. The lines of development are very important to my health and healing. They also provide a revelation of my maturity from body to mind to spirit and this will make a distinction if I am successful.
As I practice, I will evaluate if I am being actively attentive in transforming my mind by reducing disturbing emotions that cause anger, hatred, fear, worry, confusion, and doubt while enhancing positive emotions such as tolerance, affection, kindheartedness, honesty, acceptance, and happiness. What is the source and character of my motivation? I will be able to evaluate if I am motivated by survival needs, psychological needs, or spiritual necessities? I can vary that by seeing if I am continuing to transform any of my everyday jobs into a charitable act of service rather than a duty. I will know that is that is taking place when I no longer feel as if it is something I have to do, but rather, something I want to do. If I am able to consciously make decisions to embrace circumstances that are forced upon me and use them to learn and to grow.

My strategy would be to continue to practice and know that my benefits will be integral health. Once I am practicing, I know that I can give what I have because I will be happy, healthy, and whole, so therefore, I can lead others where I have been. Over time I will know if I am progressing because as I continue to develop, there will come a time when I will no longer have to develop the mind-set through practice, loving-kindness will be exposed as a natural and effortless practice. This knowledge is motivation and I will use it to assist me in maintaining my long-term practices for happiness, health, and wholeness.

My Passion: To serve you in health, happiness, and wholeness.<

Here I am, are you ready to heal? Are you ready for Integral Health?


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